Navigrain Ltd

Reliable partner in the world of shipping

About US

Philosophy & Mission

Navigrain Ltd. provides services in chartering and shipments organization of grain and oilseed cargoes from Azov and Black sea ports.

Profound knowledge of freight and shipping markets, long-standing experience and expertise of our staff enable us to provide integrated services of worldwide shipments for our Clients. We offer exclusive transport solutions aimed at ensuring the objectives of our Clients and improvement of conditions of agricultural trading in the region. Despite recent launch of the Company it’s staff has more than 20 years of experience that was efficiently introduced into logistic and management processes bringing multiple impacts.

We provide services of prompt, effective, reliable research of fleet in segments of River-Sea, Handy, Handymax, Supramax, etc.

Traditional destinations for grain cargoes form Azov-Black sea region are Mediterranean ports of Europe, Africa and Middle-East, as well as Asian ports of Northern part of Indian ocean. Team of Navigrain Ltd. has wealth experience of work in mentioned areas that gives additional advantages to us and our Clients in the decision-making process during preparation and performance of each voyage.

Mission of Navigrain Ltd. is research for the best solution for the benefit of the Client with due regard for each cargo, vessel, shipment’s destination, climate and weather-related events but also other related circumstances of each voyage.




Approximate SF – 45-48 cbft/mt

Most intensive period of shipments – Summer-Spring


Approximate SF – 53-57 cbft/mt

Most intensive period of shipments – Summer-Winter


Approximate SF – 47-51 cbft/mt

Most intensive period of shipments – Autumn-Spring


Approximate SF – 50-55 cbft/mt

Most intensive period of shipments – Summer-Autumn


Approximate SF – 48-53 cbft/mt

Most intensive period of shipments – Autumn-Spring

Safflower seeds

Approximate SF – 65-73cbft/mt

Most intensive period of shipments – Autumn-Winter


Approximate SF – 47-52 cbft/mt

Most intensive period of shipments – Autumn-Winter

Sunflower seeds

Approximate SF – 77-90 cbft/mt

Most intensive period of shipments – Autumn-Winter


Main ports of shipments

Beyond shipments in ports Navigrain Ltd. offers realization of transshipment at roads of Kavkaz port from river-sea type vessels to heavy tonnage fleet. This transshipment area has a number of advantages over other ports of the region. Besides that sustainable relationship of our team with stevedores and shipowners that work in this zone let us ensure cargo operations in the shortest possible time that results in increasing of efficiency in the Client’s operating activities.


Main river-sea type fleet represented in the region

Copyright Navigrain Ltd. 2019.